Thursday, September 25, 2014

He for She Reflections

This is a very different post from what I normally do. I doubt I'll post many non-tutorial type blog posts, but I have been in deep thought for the past couple of days.

I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard about the courageous speech Emma Watson did at the UN earlier this week. She was so articulate and intelligent and the speech was just so heart felt. She explained Feminism as being a word a lot of people find to be as dirty, or having a negative connotation; a man-hating movement in the eyes of a lot of people. Then, she urged everyone in the audience that "This has to stop." Emma then went on to explain that Feminism is not just a women's movement, but a man's movement as well; a movement of solidarity and human equality.

What Emma means by that is that men are pressured in our modern society to act and feel a curtain way, and that to be a sensitive person would mean that they are "unmanly." Men are taught to suppress their feelings and not to cry, and likewise women are not supposed to be strong, or provide for the family.When in fact, the opposite is true. There are so many social issues that effect people today because we force these ideals on others. The fathers of the world should have as much value as a parent as our mothers. We should treat young boys who suffer from mental illness the same way as we treat girls. When a man gets breast cancer, his insurance company should pay for his treatment and recovery.
In the same respect, young girls in other countries, should have the freedom to attend secondary school, or to marry who she wants rather than being married off to a much older man as a child. Women in the US should be payed the same as our male counterparts.

The "He for She" movement is where men work with women to work towards a life of freedom and equality and solidarity. I really think this is a beautiful goal, and I am honestly shocked of how many people have bashed this movement.

People have literally missed the whole point of the movement and the heart behind it. I saw a comment on a video this morning that basically stated that since Emma Watson is a Feminist, she is a "boner killer." It hit me hard because the comment was so degrading, and something Emma was trying to avoid. Also, earlier today I had someone troll my twitter about something I had posted about the He for She movement (that I did not respond to).

I suppose the intent of this post is to make people think. I hope this compels people to go do their research on the cause before assuming women are trying to control men, or that Feminism is getting desperate. I don't understand why there is this war against truly wanting to live in a better world. I would ask that you respect each other, and when you look at your mother, father, sister, brother or spouse, think of how you would want them to be treated before you treat someone you don't know with an act of disrespect.

One last thing I want readers to do for me (and the world) is to celebrate with others and rejoice in their accomplishments, and also to be there for others when something horrible has happened. I love you guys. Even the people I have not met, I care about you and I hope you will consider all of the things I have said.

Have a great weekend!
-xo LindsKinds

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